AM Green Secures EU Market for World’s Biggest Green Ammonia Plant

June 18, 2024 : AM Green, a pioneering Indian startup, secured the first-ever pre-certification for a green ammonia project in India under the CertifHy EU Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) scheme. This pre-certification unlocks the massive EU green hydrogen market, a major win for the green ammonia producer and a sign of things to come for eco-conscious India.

This green ammonia project in Kakinada with a projected production capacity of five million tons per annum by 2030 using renewable energy sources and emitting zero carbon dioxide, is exactly what the EU needs to meet its ambitious decarbonization goals.

The CertifHY pre-certification is a huge advantage for AM Green, Here’s why:

  • This pre-certification acts as a rigorous assessment, ensuring the Kakinada plant meets the EU’s high standards. It’s like a green stamp of approval, saving them time and resources by identifying potential issues early on.
  • Pre-certification strengthens the company’s position and helps them secure crucial Final Investment Decisions (FID) and offtake agreements, propelling them into the lucrative EU market much faster.
  • This pre-certification positions the Green Ammonia producer as a leader in the green ammonia space, attracting potential investors and collaborators. It’s the ultimate green badge of honor.

Mr. Mahesh Kolli, Founder and Group President of AM Green, is thrilled: “This pre-certification underscores our commitment to providing carbon-free energy solutions globally. It reinforces our position as a leader in decarbonizing industries.” Representatives from CertifHy, Bureau Veritas, and Hinicio echoed his sentiment, highlighting the significance of this achievement for India’s green energy ambitions.

AM Green
AM Green Founder and Group President, says his company pioneers carbon-free energy solutions globally

Patrick Maio, Hinicio CEO, said, “Pre-certification serves as a critical tool for RNFBO-hydrogen suppliers striving to guarantee project compliance, as well as offtakers seeking to verify the attributes of their procured molecules. Thanks to its global experience and deep knowledge of the Indian context, Hinicio is uniquely positioned to advise international players like AM Green on project design and offtake, European market entry, and long-term compliance with EU regulations.”

Matthieu Boisson, CertifHy Managing Director, said, “AM Green’s achievement of pre-certification demonstrates its commitment to being a strong contributor to India’s renewable ammonia production. This project sets a strong precedent for future collaborations and strengthens the global market for clean energy solutions. CertifHy aims to position itself as a global market instrument, and as such, strives for the highest level of expertise and assistance by leveraging its experience as a hydrogen and e-fuels’ certification pure player.”

A Green Future Built by Startups

The pre-certification for the Kakinada plant demonstrates the immense potential of Indian prowess in the clean energy sector. With innovative approaches and a commitment to high standards, this company is paving the way for a greener future, not just for India, but for the entire world.

Watch this space – the green revolution is being led by this audacious startup, and AM Green is leading India’s Green Ammonia Power.

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