How Made in Telangana has helped local sellers & buyers thrive online

Telangana is one of the youngest states in India, with a population of about 34 million. Made in Telangana is an e-commerce portal that aims to provide local businesses access to markets outside their region. Today, it has several sellers and buyers across India who wants to sell and buy Made in Telangana products.

It was established by the Government of Telangana and Globallinker to ease the pain points of small and medium enterprises who want to sell on the digital marketplace without any fuss. The new platform “eBazaar” has a simple UI, easy to register ( free of cost), and does not involve complexities.

Introduction: What is Made in Telangana eBazaar?

Made in Telangana is an online platform for a range of products from fashion, clothing, healthcare, beauty, meat, poultry and local produces. It provides a platform for the sellers to showcase their products and promote themselves to potential buyers.

Telangana state offers many products that are not just traditional but also contemporary in their designs. The best part about Made in Telangana is that initiatives like the Made in Telangana eBazaar under a public-private partnership with Globallnker have helped the artisans present their work outside the country and reach international customers as well.

The website of Made in Telangana is beautifully designed with all categories of products displayed on it. It also offers various ways to purchase the product through various payment options.

Benefits for Sellers on Made in Telangana

“Entrepreneurship in Telangana has been going on for decades, there are large number of entrepreneurs and also individuals with small business interests, who have great imagination, creativity and wonderful products, but because of logistical constraints of commerce and trade, these products doesn’t reach beyond certain limits, for this reason Telangana Government as initiated an digital mall with technology partner Globallinker to help these sellers find and reach their buyers without any constraints, we invite each of them who are in look out to sell their made in Telangana products, can register for free and no commission pay outs at , said Shri Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary of the Industries & Commerce (I&C) and Information Technology (IT) Departments of the Telangana government.

The Made in Telangana portal is a great platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to showcase their products and services. The benefits for sellers are plenty.

First, they get an opportunity to show off their products through the web portal when they register on the site. This also helps them build up their reputation in the market. Second, sellers can use the portal as a platform to find customers all over India. Lastly, selling products or services through Made in Telangana site will give them access to reach millions of potential customers across India thanks to its reachability on the internet.

Benefits for Users on Made in Telangana

Made in Telangana
Made in Telangana eBazaar is revolutionising eCommerce for SME’s

As a state with a very high percentage of the rural population, e-commerce is an opportunity for Telangana to become digitally empowered and digitally literate.

Telangana has a high percentage of rural population. For this reason, the use of e-commerce will help them to become digitally literate and empower them through digital transactions.

Conclusion: Early Insights about the Effects of Made In Telangana Marketplace

Made in Telangana eBaaar helping SME grow their business and connect buyers and sellers online

The market has changed dramatically over the years and we need to keep up with the changes. We need to rethink our distribution channels and experiment with new ways of reaching out to customers.


The Made In Telangana marketplace was a great idea to try out. It helped us reach out to customers who were looking for products from the region but were not able to find them on any other platform. But it could not be sustained as an exclusive channel due to lack of volume and reach.

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