How to apply for BIRAC i4, PACE Promotion?

BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council) which has invited proposals under BIRAC i4 and PACE for development, validation and pre-commercialization of products/technologies in areas of #healthcare, #agriculture, energy and environment, veterinary sciences has announced the last date for submission of proposals is 30th November, 2021.

Academia and Research Organisation

To develop products/technologies and their subsequent validation by industry under “PACE” (Promoting Academic Research Conversion toEnterprise) through:

  • AIR(Academic Innovation Research}
  • CRS(Contract Research Scheme}


For transformational product/technology development under “i4” (Intensifying the Impact of Industrial Innovation) through:

  • SBIRI (Small Business Innovation Research Initiative}
  • BIPP (BiotechnologyIndustry Partnership Programme}

Proposals are invited in the following priority areas

  • Development of Devices, Diagnostics, Drugs, Delivery Systems, Assays, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies relevant to COVID 19*
  • Other research areasrelated toHealthcare, Energy, Environment, Agriculture, Secondary Agriculture,
  • Veterinary Science and Aquaculture*

How to Apply?

BIRAC i4, pace
BIRAC i4, PACE application closes on 30th November 2021

Proposals are required to be submitted online only. For information on priority areas (RFP), scheme details and proposal submission, please log on to BIRAC website (

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